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The "Best Leg" Lesson: What a 10-Year-Old Gymnast Taught Me

By Joshua Aycock, Director of Volley Strong University*

Years ago, while coaching in Atlanta, Georgia, I was working with a 10-year-old gymnast on a strength exercise. After completing a set on one leg, I told her, “Now try it on your bad leg.”

Without missing a beat, she looked up at me and said, “I don’t have a bad leg. I have a good leg and a best leg.”

Her response made me pause. It was such a simple correction, but it carried a powerful lesson: why do we label one side of our body as worse or weaker? That young gymnast taught me to rethink how we approach training. Instead of assuming limits, we should focus on building strength and confidence on both sides.

For volleyball players, this lesson is key. Balance, agility, and strength in both legs and arms are critical to avoid injuries and improve performance. At Volley Strong, we teach athletes to train both sides equally and believe in their potential—whether it’s their "good" leg or their "best" leg.

The takeaway? Mindset matters just as much as muscle. As athletes and coaches, let’s focus on building confidence in every part of our body, removing limits, and training with intention.

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